Prospective EYFS 2025 Parents Information Evening: Wednesday 13th November, 18:00

Welcome to Year 1/2/3

It’s been a busy start to the academic year in Years 1,2 and 3. The children are now settled into their new classes and are already impressing their teachers with the quality of their work.

Year 1/2  have spent the first three weeks of term getting to know their class teachers.  In Maths they have become more confident working with numbers up to 20, using number facts to find other related facts and then using them to solve problems.  They wrote some fantastic descriptions of the Seasons in English, making use of describing words and ensuring they used phonics accurately to write coherent sentences. 

They have undertaken a short unit of Science linked to their English work, finding out about the Seasons and the features of them.  They enjoyed their DT day, designing and making anemometers.   They are loving their PE units and are already making big improvements in their use of body tension in gymnastics.

They will now be working in their new English and Maths groups.   Year 1 will be continuing their work on basic skills,  writing accurate lists, labels and captions, inspired by the text ‘Super Duper You’.  They will be focussing on using accurate phonics and capital letters.   Their Tier 2 vocabulary will be ‘twirl’, ‘stomp’ and ‘brilliant’.  In Maths, they will be focussing on 1 more and 1 less before moving on to look at basic addition and subtraction.

In English, Year 2 will be writing their own information texts about the Seasons, focusing on using accurate punctuation and sentences expanded with conjunctions.  Their Tier 2 words will be ‘breathtaking’, ‘freezing’ and ‘transform’.  In Maths, their initial work will focus on comparing and ordering numbers.

They will begin their History topic by looking at how Ely began and the story of Saint Etheldreda.  They are looking forward to their trip on Monday where they will find out more about Etheldreda, as well as having an introduction to life on the Fens.  In Geography, they have begun looking at where the Fens are located and will now begin to examine what the Fen landscape is like. In Music, they will be listening to excerpts from Tchaikovsky’s ‘The Nutcracker Suite’ and considering how it makes them feel.  Their Art work will start next week, focussing on taking a detailed look at the work of Angie Lewin.  Finally, in RE

Year 3 have also got off to a flying start.   They have enjoyed their initial unit of work based on ‘Stone Age Boy’ and will be writing their own portal stories inspired by it.  They will then move on to working with explanation texts, explaining how the discovery of Bronze affected Britain.   Their new Tier 2 word s will be ‘acquire’, ‘discover’ and ‘popular’.  In Maths, they have been working towards using formal methods for addition and subtraction and will now move on to multiplication and division. 

  They have begun their exploration of Pre-Historic Britain by looking at the chronology of the period.  They will now begin looking at the Stone Age in more detail. They are also looking forward to their school trip in a few weeks - more details will follow about this.   In Geography, they have begun their ‘Mountains’ topic by locating the mountains of the UK and will now move on to looking at how different types of mountains are formed.   Their focussed RE work on the 5 Pillars of Islam has begun with a look at the Mosque. They will move onto looking at the importance of the Qur’an.  

In DT, they have begun looking at different drinking vessels, as well as investigating the Beaker People, ready to begin designing their own beakers over the next few weeks.    Having familiarised themselves with the work of Frida Kahlo in Art, they will begin considering her motivation and style in more detail.  They are enjoying working with a tennis coach in PE and it is pleasing to see their technique developing.


A few notices:

  •          A reminder that Reading Logs should be sent into school on a Friday for checking by the teachers.
  •          Read Write Inc Book Bag Books and Banded Books should come in on a Monday.
  •          Library Books should be returned on your child’s LRC day (please check class timetables for when this is).
  •          We request that parents leave the school site when the whistle is blown, and class teachers are present.  There is no need to wait until your child has entered the school.
  •          Please ensure your child is not playing on the ‘No Mow’ grass areas before school.  Children should wait on the playground until the whistle has blown.
  •          As much as possible, we ask parents to refrain from coming into the building with their children at the start of the day.
  •          A number of children are becoming persistently late. A reminder that we begin phonics sessions at 9am and those children who arrive late are missing vital learning
  • You will have an opportunity to speak to your child’s teacher formally at Parent Consultations in October, but in the meantime, teachers are always available at the end of the day for small problems and questions. Please don’t hesitate to contact me through the School Office or speak to me on the gate if you have any questions which cannot be answered by your child’s teacher. 


Monday 30th September- Year 1 and 2 Trip to Ely

Thursday 17th October- Maths Workshops 3:15pm

Friday 18th October- Year 3 Trip to Flag Fen

Tuesday 22nd October- Parent Consultation Evening

Thursday 24th October- Parent Consultation Evening

Monday 28th  October- Friday 1st November- Half Term

Friday 15th November- House Day

Wednesday 4th December- Year 1 and 2 Christmas Production- 2:15pm

Thursday 5th December- Year 1 and 2 Christmas Production- 2:15pm

Thursday 12th December- Christmas Jumper Day

Thursday 12th December- Winter Fair

Friday 20th December- End of term 2pm


Jess Scott 4/9/2024