Prospective EYFS 2025 Parents Information Evening: Wednesday 13th November, 18:00

Device and technology guidance for pupils

At Cottenham Primary School, we know that using technology is an important part of a child’s learning experience. We want everyone to be able to use technology, like the internet and laptops, but it is important that children are safe when using technology.

This guidance set out the principles around using technology and devices in school. We would kindly ask that you please read this guidance carefully and go through it with your child.

If you have any questions about anything in this guidance, please speak to your child’s class teacher.


Before you read the guidance, here are some key terms you should understand:

  •          Technology – this includes any ICT systems at the school, including the internet.
  •          School-owned devices – any devices that are owned by the school that have been given to your child to help with their school work, including laptops and tablets.
  •          Personal devices – any device that belongs to your child, including mobile phones. 

Security and protecting information

All children will:

  •          Make sure they understand what they can do to keep their information safe when using technology and devices – they should speak to their class teacher if they have any questions.

All children will not:

  •          Try to get around any security measures the school has put in place on the internet or school-owned devices.
  •          Share any of their passwords with other children.

Using technology in school

All children will:

  •          Only use technology and devices that they have been given permission to use.
  •          Only access websites, apps and other online platforms that they have been given permission to use.
  •          Only use the school’s ICT facilities, technology and devices to complete their work in school.

All children will not:

  •          Install any software onto school ICT systems unless they have been told to do so by a member of school staff.
  •          Search for, view, download, upload or send anything inappropriate when using the internet.

School-owned devices

All children will:

  •          Only use school-owned devices to carry out their work in school.
  •          Only use websites and apps that a member of staff has said they can use.
  •          Understand that the school will monitor how they use school-owned devices.
  •          Take care of school-owned devices when they are using them.
  •          Tell a member of staff if a school-owned device is damaged or lost when they are using it.

All children will not:

  •          Use school-owned devices to send inappropriate messages, images, videos or other content.
  •          Use school-owned devices to view, store, download or share any inappropriate, harmful or illegal content.
  •          Use school-owned devices to go on personal social media accounts.

Personal devices

All children will:

  •          Only use their personal devices outside of school.

All children will not:

  •          Use their personal devices to send inappropriate messages, images, videos or other content.
  •          Use their personal devices to view, store, download or share any inappropriate, harmful or illegal content.
  •          Bring their own devices onto the school site, unless there are special circumstances and they have obtained permission from a member of the SLT.

Social media

All children will:

  •          Think about what they post about the school on social media and make sure they do not post anything that could be harmful to any member of the school community.

All children will not:

  •          Try to speak to any member of staff on social media.
  •          Accept or send ‘friend’ or ‘follow’ requests from members of staff on social media.
  •          Send any abusive, threatening or otherwise inappropriate messages on social media.
  •          Bully anyone through social media.

Reporting misuse

All children will:

  •          Understand that their use of the internet will be monitored by the ICT Manager and recognise the consequences if they do not follow this guidance.
  •          Understand that the Headteacher may decide to take disciplinary action against them, in accordance with the CPS Behaviour Policy, if they do not follow this guidance.