

Welcome to the Governors' section!

The Governing Body of the school consists of 16 individuals elected, nominated or co-opted to represent the local authority, the local community, parents, teachers and non-teaching staff. The governors work closely with the Headteacher, Leadership Team, Staff and with the Local Authority (Cambridgeshire County Council).

The Governing Body meets frequently as a whole group. Smaller sub-committees of the Governing Body also meet regularly.

If you have any questions or comments about the work of the Governing Body, please contact the Clerk via clerk@cottenham.cambs.sch.uk.

Introducing your Governors
James Kilsby

Head Teacher

Simon Gibbons

Chair of Governors

Simon became Chair of Governors in September 2021.

I was appointed as local authority governor in the autumn of 2016 and am a member of the Standards Committee. I have worked in education in various roles and settings for over twenty years. I was initially a secondary school teacher and then a head of English in a large London comprehensive school. I then moved to become a local authority literacy consultant, working to support schools across the primary and secondary sector with their efforts to improve literacy teaching and learning in the context of government policy initiatives. In 2003 I became a teacher educator and am currently the Director for Initial Teacher Education at King’s College London. As well as direct involvement in the training of the next generation of teachers, I research and write in the field of English as a school subject. I have a deep personal and professional commitment to improving the standards of education for all young people, and as a local resident for nearly fifteen years, I am honoured to be able to play a part in the ongoing success story of Cottenham Primary School.

Sarah Robinson

Vice Chair/Chair of Personnel & Premises

Lee Welham

Chair of Finance

I am the Chair of Finance.

I believe that my background will support and add to the development of the school as it looks towards its future. I work as a chartered accountant at the accountancy firm, Deloitte, based in Cambridge. In my role as audit director, I have gained a whole host of experiences of businesses and private sector organisations in the UK. Any organisation, be it big or small, public or private, has to balance the books and consider its strategy as we move into an ever increasing digital era. I am proud to add to the development of CPS as it focuses on its role in our growing community and its goal of delivering first class education to all.

Nick Palmer

Chair of Standards

Daniel Cook
Lynda Davies
Kate Redman
Martin Brammah
Alexandra Addyman
Amy Brewer
Ruth Fairbairn
Miss Lettie Buxton
Jess Scott

Deputy Headteacher

Martina Turner

School Business Manager

Fran Halls

Teaching Assistant

Beth Stevens

Clerk to Governors

CPS Governing Body Statement and Composition