
Welcome to Year 1/2/3

It’s been a busy start to term in Years 1,2 and 3.  The children have been working hard and are now immersed in their new topics.

Year 1 are just coming to the end of their Handa’s Surprise unit in English and will be beginning a unit based on a recount next week.  Their new Tier 2 words will be: ‘Loomed’, ‘Clambered’ and ‘Towered’.  In Maths, they are just beginning a unit about addition and subtraction and will be working on speedy recall of facts with in 20.

Year 2 wrote some fantastic descriptions based on the Iron Man, wowing their teachers with superb use of vocabulary and a range of complex sentence starts.  The too will be moving on to a unit writing recounts, sharing their Tier 2 vocabulary with Year 1.  In Maths they will be starting some work on statistics, learning how to interpret tables, graphs and pictograms.

They are enjoying their other curriculum learning.  In History, having found out about the origins of the Great Fire and examined how it spread, they will begin thinking about the effect it had on London in both the short and long term.  Their Geography work is yet to start but will be beginning shortly, looking at hot and cold areas of the world.  In Science, they have been finding out about the properties of different materials and how this affects what they are used for.  They will now begin looking at how some materials can change shape when a force is applied, and others cannot.  In RE they are beginning to consider what makes a community special.

 They have been inspired by their work on Gustav Klimt in Art and particularly enjoyed recreating some of the patterns he uses in his work.  They will be beginning to put these into a piece of their own over the next few weeks.  In DT, having explored wheels and axles in moving models, they will be having a go at creating some of their own.  They have become experts at ‘Call and Response’ in Music and are enjoying their Athletics and Dance units in PE.

Year 3 are wrapping up their latest English units by writing their own narratives inspired by Beowulf.   Their current Tier 2 words are: ‘Reluctant’, ‘Abandoned’ and ‘Despair’. They will follow this with a poetry unit, focusing on ‘The Door’ by Miroslav Holub. In Maths, they will spend the next few weeks mastering multiplication.

In History, they have been finding out about where the Anglo Saxons settled and the place names they created and will now start thinking about the beliefs they held and lives they created. Their Geography work continues to focus on Scandinavia.  Having learnt about the countries which make up Scandinavia, they will now start  looking at their physical features.  In Science, they have looked closely at the life cycles of frogs and other amphibians and will now think about butterflies before comparing the two.

They enjoyed their RE trip to the Church  and will begin thinking about Mosques and Synagogues next.  Having begun looking at the work of Guiseppe Archimboldo in Art, they are now starting to create their own art work, using his style.  They have begun investigating materials which float in preparation for designing their own boats in DT.  They are excited to show you all their production next week and have been rehearsing hard in order to prepare something fantastic!

A couple of reminders:

  •          Children should not be bringing toys into school unless this is a specific arrangement with the class teacher.  These often get lost or cause upset when other children wish to play with them.  Any toys which are brought in will be taken by teachers for safe keeping and returned at the end of the day.
  •          As the weather is getting warmer, please remember to send your child into school with a water bottle.
  •          The piles of lost property are growing by the day.  A reminder that jumpers and PE kits must be labelled.

Key Dates for the term:

Wednesday 15th May 2pm - Year 3 Production

Tuesday 21st May- House Day

WB 10th June- Year 1 Phonics Screening Check Week

Tuesday 18th June- 1/2SR and 1/2LW Trip to Botanic Gardens

Wednesday 19th June- 1/2HS and 1/2TO Trip to Botanic Gardens

Wednesday 26th June- New Class Information sent to Parents

Thursday 27th June- Transition afternoon for new Year 1 and 2 Pupils

Wednesday 3rd July- Year 3 Trip to West Stowe Anglo Saxon Village

Wednesday 3rd July- Transition afternoon for new Year 1 and 2 Pupils

Thursday 4th July- 1:15pm Year 1/2 Sports Day

Friday 5th July- 9:00am Year 3 Sports Day

Tuesday 9th July- Class Swap Day

Wednesday 10th July- Reports sent to Parents

Thursday 11th July- Summer Fair

Thursday 18th July- School Ends 2pm